Module: Parse::Associations::HasOne

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The `has_one` creates a one-to-one association with another Parse class. This association says that the other class in the association contains a foreign pointer column which references instances of this class. If your model contains a column that is a Parse pointer to another class, you should use `belongs_to` for that association instead.

Defining a `has_one` property generates a helper query method to fetch a particular record from a foreign class. This is useful for setting up the inverse relationship accessors of a `belongs_to`. In the case of the `has_one` relationship, the `:field` option represents the name of the column of the foreign class where the Parse pointer is stored. By default, the lower-first camel case version of the Parse class name is used.

In the example below, a `Band` has a local column named `manager` which has a pointer to a `Parse::User` (:user) record. This setups up the accessor for `Band` objects to access the band's manager.

Since we know there is a column named `manager` in the `Band` class that points to a single `Parse::User`, you can setup the inverse association read accessor in the `Parse::User` class. Note, that to change the association, you need to modify the `manager` property on the band instance since it contains the `belongs_to` property.

# every band has a manager
class Band < Parse::Object
  belongs_to :manager, as: :user

band = Band.first id: '12345'
# the user represented by this manager
user = band.manger

# every user manages a band
class Parse::User
  # inverse relationship to `Band.belongs_to :manager`
  has_one :band, field: :manager

user = Parse::User.first # similar to performing: Band.first(:manager => user)

You may optionally use `has_one` with scopes, in order to fine tune the query result. Using the example above, you can customize the query with a scope that only fetches the association if the band is approved. If the association cannot be fetched, `nil` is returned.

# adding to previous example
class Band < Parse::Object
  property :approved, :boolean
  property :approved_date, :date

# every user manages a band
class Parse::User
  has_one :recently_approved, ->{ where(order: :approved_date.desc) }, field: :manager, as: :band
  has_one :band_by_status, ->(status) { where(approved: status) },  field: :manager, as: :band

# gets the band most recently approved
# equivalent: Band.first(manager: user, order: :approved_date.desc)

# fetch the managed band that is not approved
# equivalent: Band.first(manager: user, approved: false)

See Also:

Class Method Summary collapse

Class Method Details

.has_one(key, scope = nil, opts = {}) ⇒ Parse::Object

Creates a one-to-one association with another Parse model.


  • key (Symbol)

    The singularized version of the foreign class and the name of the foreign column in the foreign Parse table where the pointer is stored.

  • scope (Proc) (defaults to: nil)

    A proc that can customize the query by applying additional constraints when fetching the associated record. Works similarly as ActiveModel associations described in section Customizing the Query

Options Hash (opts):

  • :field (Symbol)

    override the name of the remote column where the pointer is stored. By default this is inferred as the columnized of the key parameter.

  • :as (Symbol)

    override the inferred Parse::Object subclass. By default this is inferred as the singularized camel case version of the key parameter. This option allows you to override the Parse model used to perform the query for the association, while allowing you to have a different accessor name.

  • scope_only (Boolean)

    Setting this option to `true`, makes the association fetch based only on the scope provided and does not use the local instance object as a foreign pointer in the query. This allows for cases where another property of the local class, is needed to match the resulting records in the association.


  • (Parse::Object)

    a Parse::Object subclass when using the accessor when fetching the association.

See Also:

# File 'lib/parse/model/associations/has_one.rb', line 83